Town, Lions Club, EWCS may enter deal for food bank, arena addition

Councillors here have decided they would like to consider a deal with the Lions Club for a Centre 2000 addition after all.

Earlier this month, council deferred a decision on an offer from the Erin District Lions Club to provide $40,000 to East Wellington Community Services (EWCS) for the food bank portion of the arena addition.

In exchange, the club wanted a ten year renewal of its current lease agreement with the town for the Shamrock Room. If renting to another party, the town could receive $7,500 per year for the rental.

But councillors seemed wary of the deal, saying it basically means the township would be fundraising for EWCS.

“I don’t think the town should be doing that for any group,” councillor John Bren­nan said on Oct. 6.

Councillor Barb Tocher agreed, saying she would rather have seen the Lions money go to a municipal project, without the third party in the deal.

Council agreed to defer the Lions Club offer to see if the club could come up with a more agreeable deal. Last week Brennan returned with a proposal he thought would work.

He suggested the Lions Club donate the $40,000 to the town to help with the interior of the new dressing rooms or something like that. Then the town could give a break to EWCS of up to $20,000 on the food bank portion of the addition, leaving the municipality with a net of $20,000 to be used for the addition.

“To me it does seem like a compromise that tries to balance a variety of interests,” Mayor Rod Finnie said.

Brennan again stressed he does not like the town to be used as a fundraiser, but in the end, the food bank is “a good cause.”

Finnie said he would meet with EWCS and the Lions Club to ensure they agree with the proposal, then the town could get an agreement in writing.

