In 2007 on OPP patrolled roads; there were a total of 444 fatal collisions. Of those collisions,…
Pedestrian bridge reopens over Palmerston’s Heritage Park
It seemed appropriate that students from Palmerston Public and Norwell District Secondary were…
New tennis courts open at Sportsplex during In Motion Week
Centre Wellington Township, in partnership with the Fergus Tennis Club, has recently…
Puslinch Fire department celebrates first 40 years
The volunteer fire department here recently celebrated its first 40 years with a party that…
Firefighters receive permission for toll
Centre Wellington council approved a bylaw on Monday night that will permit volunteer…
STRAY CASTS: Strub, Izumi win back to back Quinte Classic bass tourney
Bob Izumi is something of a fishing legend in Canada. He gained fame and fortune through many years…
Centre Wellington will finally replace 8th Line bridge closed in 2003
While the recession has had dire consequences for many people, Centre Wellington…
MTO concerns raised over business, farmers’ market
The idea of a farmers’ market and antique sales outlet in downtown Kenilworth is on hold…
Town passes new fill bylaw despite concerns about costs, restrictions
If the reaction of those at a recent meeting is any indication, few people in Erin will be…
Results: Girls CWOSSA The top 5 girls advance to OFSAA. 1ST TAYLOR…
Number of public sector employees making over $100,000 on the rise
While lower paying jobs were lost by the thousands, the number of Ontario public sector employees…
Wellington County gets $1-million grant to offer high speed internet
High speed internet is coming to Wellington County over the next few years thanks to a…
Hydro One receives energy board okay for 500kV power line
Hydro One is over the first of three major hurdles in its plans to build a 500 kilovolt power…
Township pays over $1,800 to investigate complaint about council procedures
A single complaint lodged against Wellington North Township council will end up costing taxpayers…
County passes bylaw to negotiate purchase of five libraries
County council authorized the warden and clerk on Sept. 25 to reach an agreement to purchase the…