Union Gas announced April 8 that it will top up its original donation to the 2009 winter…
Golf tournament will help send kids to camps
Golfers can now register for the 14th annual Fore Our Kids golf tournament that will take place at…
Township sets ice pads as top repair priority – if grants are available
Centre Wellington council has named its top priorities if it can obtain a recreation grant.…
Public meeting looks at switch of Murphy lands from industrial to residential
Redesignation of the Murphy lands is another step in a process that will reshape the…
Local church group enjoys successful week volunteering in Kentucky
On March 13, 120 people from various churches across Ontario boarded two buses and an assortment of…
Silk road led to student bazaar
When the upper grades of Victoria Terrace Public School here studied the ancient trade routes, the…
4-H syrup club tours a sugar bush
Our second 4-H Maple Syrup Club meeting was at Carl Snyder’s farm. We held our elections for…
Garage, craft sale to raise funds for Habitat project in Arthur
Arthur – Habitat for Humanity’s next fundraiser for its Arthur build is an indoor…
Guelph Wellington Local Food ties in with Aberfoyle Farmers Market
It seems Taste Real has a good thing growing. Taste Real outreach coordinator Gayl Creutzberg and…
Crieff Hills launches capital campaign
On April 26, Crieff Hills Community is launching its $600,000 Building A Place Apart capital…
Annual Take a Kid Fishing Day
The annual Shimano Take A Kid Fishing Day will run again at the Grand River Conservation Authority…
Time for the ‘wrapper’ to come off when it comes to new dressing room
Some user groups believe it is time for the “wrapper” to come off the recently…
WEB ONLY: Province provides some grants to hospitals for maintenance
TORONTO – The Ontario government has announced grants for hospitals in the Wellington County…
WEB ONLY: Provincial budget will help locals cope in tough economy
STRATFORD – Liberal MPP and cabinet minister John Wilkinson said the Ontario…
Square dancing tractors to entertain at Fireworks Festival
It looks like square dancing tractors will be in gear for this year’s Fireworks Festival in…