Mudpit volleyball sponsorship

While the town is once again sponsoring the Redneck Games Mudpit Vol­ley­ball, there is no guarantee any favourite councillor member will be taking part.

Recently, Business and Economic Manager Belinda Wick-Graham was at council looking for official support, and on June 2, council did make it official.

Council agreed to sponsor a team in the amount of $150 for the third annual mudpit volleyball tournament.

Mayor David Anderson said he had left a message with the athletic department at Nor­well District Secondary School to see if there was any interest there in entering a team.

“Some of our staff are fairly interested in bringing a team forward … if staff, councillors want to go play in the mud. It’s a lot of fun.”

Anderson said the time he took part, he discovered he had more muscles than he knew he had.

The event is at the Clifford Rotary Park on June 27 from 10am to 4pm.

