Barry Lavers, the director of recreation, parks and facilities in Wellington North is "no longer…
Wellington North
Truck traffic to be prohibited on Parkside Drive
Parkside Drive in Mount Forest may soon be a truck free zone, if Wellington North council pass a…
Restaurant dust-up
On Dec. 29 Wellington County OPP received a report of an assault in progress at a restaurant on…
Tools stolen during garage break-in in Wellington North
Wellington County OPP are investigating a break-in and theft that occurred between 10:30am and…
Terror on Tucker Street opened for family-friendly preview
Not so scary - The Arthur backyard haunt known as Terror on Tucker Street was open on Oct. 29 for a…
Haunted trail
The trail at Murphy's Park in Mount Forest was the place to be on Oct. 27 when the Wellington North…
REMEMBRANCE DAY 2017: Allan Gilchrist Samuel shot down in France
Allan Samuel was born on June 9, 1920. He attended Arthur High School where the principal described…
REMEMBRANCE DAY 2017: Albert Shaw fought in France
Albert Shaw was born in West Luther Township in 1894 to John Henry Shaw and Mary Ellen Dowling, one…
REMEMBRANCE DAY 2017: Frank Farrell rescued after plane crash
Frank Farrell was born in Arthur into a family of 10. Frank attended St. John Separate School and…
REMEMBRANCE DAY 2017: Arthur veterans book available on Nov. 11
After a year's work, the Arthur and Area Historical Society is releasing a book on First and Second…