Grade 6 students from Arthur Public School raced down the aisles of Foodland in Arthur with members…
Wellington North
Cement dumped on township property by “mistake”: CAO
Having wet cement dumped on vacant township property was a mistake, say Wellington North officials…
Angelic voices
From left: Gabriele, Mary, Laura, Evelyn and Sandra Nanningan, children of Kristy and Bill with…
Wellington County 4-H celebrates 100th anniversary
Wellington County 4-H is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. "The real testament to the…
100 blood donors needed
Canadian Blood Services is asking Mount Forest blood donors to roll up their sleeves on Nov.…
Lions donation
On Oct. 4 Arthur Lions Club president Brent Barnes presented a $1,700 cheque to Arthur Figure…
Recreation, parks, facilities director job eliminated
Barry Lavers, the director of recreation, parks and facilities in Wellington North is "no longer…
Truck traffic to be prohibited on Parkside Drive
Parkside Drive in Mount Forest may soon be a truck free zone, if Wellington North council pass a…
Restaurant dust-up
On Dec. 29 Wellington County OPP received a report of an assault in progress at a restaurant on…
Tools stolen during garage break-in in Wellington North
Wellington County OPP are investigating a break-in and theft that occurred between 10:30am and…