Pollinator protectors - Harriston Horticultural Society members built and installed two "Mason Bee…
The Snowman War to hit local stage
The temperature may be climbing outside, but snowballs will soon by flying inside the Harriston…
Pedestrian crossovers planned for Palmerston, Harriston intersections
Minto is aiming to have six new pedestrian crossovers in place by next…
Minto prepares for Canada 150 CIB judging
The Town of Minto is participating in the 2017 National Edition of Communities in Bloom in the…
Local donor clinics planned
Canadian Blood Services is planning donor clinics in Palmerston on July 20 from 5 to 8pm and…
Harriston resident asks Minto council to restrict cycling on sidewalks
Council here will once again ponder measures to curb sidewalk cycling after receiving a letter from…
Palmerston Lions host Splash Bash
The Palmerston Lions Club hosted the annual Splash Bash at Heritage Park on July 1. The musical…
Live History performing in Palmerston at Railway Heritage Museum
Live History is bringing a unique heritage presentation to Palmerston. "The shows take audiences on…
Clifford Antique and Classic Truck Show
Classic trucks - The Great Lakes Truck Club hosted the Clifford Antique and Classic Truck Show in…
Minto discusses immigration impact
The municipality's books are in order for 2016, reports auditor David…