President Vic Palmer welcomed 35 members and guests to the Clifford and District Horticultural…
Three north Wellington municipalities agree on plan to fund youth resiliency worker
Three northern Wellington municipalities have joined the Mount Forest Family Health Team to provide…
Firefighters Breakfast
Two-year-olds Mila, left, and Maci Schnurr of Harriston enjoyed a hearty morning meal at the…
Clifford Community Meals on Wheels hosts fundraising yard sale on June 2
Spring cleaning is one of those happy chores that brings a ray of sunshine and a warming breeze…
Nowell Relay for Life raises over $17,000
Approximately 200 Norwell District High School students took to the track to help raise funds and…
Bridge re-elected to FCM board
County of Wellington councillor and Town of Minto Mayor George Bridge, was re-elected to the…
Walkers winners at local euchre
Palmerston Legion Ladies Auxiliary held at Challenge Euchre on May…
Gala organizers
Members of the Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation Starlight Gala leadership committee…
Public invited to vote for favourite Cool Cone
In celebration of the Canada Packers Reunion taking place here Aug. 10 to 12, and the history of…
“Big Dig” now underway in village
The main street here will be closed to traffic, but open for business from May 30 to mid-October…