The Drayton RBC branch honoured 25-year employee Linda Cherrey with a retirement open house on June…
Hilda”s Yard hits home with laughter, insight and nostalgia to boot
In 1956 a loaf of bread cost 18 cents, a case of Black Label beer was one dollar and 12 cents and a…
Mower purchase is approved
Council has approved the purchase of a 2014 Ferris Model No. IS 5100 diesel zero turn riding…
Teen boy dies during soccer game in Drayton
Members of the local community were shocked and saddened to hear a visiting teen died after…
Have at it!
Megan Chittich (blue) and Nikki Clayfield (red) of Drayton battled it out in the jousting…
Canada Day fling
Cara Wing, left and Brianna Wing of Moorefield, students at Blue Bonnet Lassies of Fergus,…
Mapleton CAO terminated; McRoberts named acting CAO
Township CAO/clerk Patty Sinnamon has been let go by the municipality. Contacted July 2 after…
Council authorizes crossing guard warrant study for busy corner in Alma
Mapleton council will consider adding a crossing guard at a second location here after hearing of…
Council denies request for break on permit fee from travelling grocery store
Council has declined a request to waive or reduce the cost of a transient trader permit for a…
Whale new Trees for Mapleton chair
The Trees for Mapleton committee, formed in 2008, is made up of local landowners and farmers…