Spectators at the Smoke "n' Sounds Festival on July 11 were treated to a full day of music from…
Helping neighbours
Heather Clemmer, left, of Bringing Heaven to Earth, presents a $200 cheque to Maggie Conway of…
Service to Mapleton
John Hahn, centre, was recognized for five years of service to the Township of Mapleton at the June…
Tribute to soccer player
The Drayton U-14s wore green socks with number 13 on them in honour of a youth who passed away…
Mapleton cultural plan approved
"In five years, Mapleton will be a culturally vibrant community characterized by diverse cultural…
Township to work with north coalition on formation of youth council
Council here has lent support to a proposal to form a local youth…
Brodhaecker appointed deputy fire chief for Drayton station
The township's fire department has a new deputy…
Evan Conway hits treatment milestone in ongoing battle against leukemia
For the past eight months the Conways have experienced an ordeal that no family is ever prepared…
Everest games
Youngsters enjoyed the various games and challenges related to the Mount Everest theme at Vacation…
Meet the minister
Drayton United Church welcomed Rev Mark Laird to the pulpit for his first service on July…