On June 13 at about 11:30am, emergency crews were called to the scene of a head-on collision…
Erin welcomes new director of finance
The Town of Erin has welcomed a new director of finance as longtime director Sharon Marshall…
Erin council considering video recording meetings
Erin council has voted in favour of including recording/publishing videos of meetings in its 2017…
Erin Town Crier wins provincial championships
Erin's official town crier Andrew Welch was declared the overall winner of the recent town crier…
Audition call at Century Church Theatre
Century Theatre Guild will be holding auditions for the pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk, by Jo…
Province offering $50,000 reward for information on Erin homicide
A $50,000 reward is being offered for information about the murder of Frederick "John" Hatch. The…
Summer celebration in Erin
Helping out - Will Winters, 6, and Eleanor Gordon, 5, were selling lemonade with proceeds going to…
Art in the Park
Checking out one of the Art in the Park displays at McMillan Park in Erin during the downtown…
We are one
Kewl Fusion was among nine bands performing at the We Are One music festival at the fairgrounds in…
Body art
Tania Crook of Infinite Arts paints the arm of five-year-old Maggie Davidson of Hillsburgh at the…