Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington (BBBS) is planning a "Big Night Out" celebration here…
Centre Wellington
ECTs The Drawer Boy wins award for best production of Canadian Play
The Drawer Boy, written by Michael Healey and directed by Julie Wheeler Bryant, was performed at…
Fusion cap great season with silver medal
Silver - The Centre Wellington Fusion Minor Bantam AA team are OMHA silver medalists. The boys came…
Ice carnival
Broadway Here We Come was the theme of the Elora Skating Club's Spring Show on March 19. Skaters…
Flowers and candy
Meghan Pell, Wendy McLellan and Paul Hoffman were kept busy selling flowers and candy at the Elora…
Vendor”s Expo
Conestoga College students James Roszel and Melodie Stone organized a Vendor's Expo at the Grand…
Clean-up crew
With the coming of spring and the melting of snow, garbage in ditches and in green spaces become…
Books galore
The Elora Festival and Singers held their annual March Mini-Sale at their book depot on St. Andrew…
Jackson awarded Legion of Honour medal; WWII veteran died last week ahead of official presentation
Griff Jackson likely never would have called himself a hero, but many would argue…
Jack MacDonald legacy being used to make lasting impact in downtown Elora
It looks like Jack R. MacDonald may be leaving another lasting legacy to downtown Elora. MacDonald…