Centre Wellington District High School senior Rachna Patel, centre, of Fergus devoted three years…
Centre Wellington
Go “whole hog” in Fergus
The Third Annual Whole Hog BBQ will be held on Sept. 11 at the Food School Farm next to the Centre…
Industry Day at Grand River Raceway
The 26th annual Industry Day at Grand River Raceway was held on Aug. 1. Horses and riders competed…
Horsing around
The 26th annual Industry Day at Grand River Raceway was held on Aug. 1. Jack Daly, 3, takes his…
In July the 2016 New Brunswick Bantam Lacrosse provincial team visited Ontario. While in Ontario…
Fun in the sun at local splashpad
Running through the splash pad at Millburn Boulevard Park in Fergus is one way to beat the heat.…
Salem resident wants speed limit dropped to 30km/h on local roads
Michael Lee of Salem would like to see speed limits dropped from 50 to 30km/h in his part of…
Centre Wellington Food Bank Barbecue
On July 27 the food bank showed its appreciation to community members with a barbecue in the…
Search on for options for skatepark site
Stempski Kelly Associates Inc. (SKA) has been retained by Centre Wellington to facilitate the…
Bid Writer wins Battle Of the Belles; Sports Column victorious in Battle Of Waterloo
Grand River Raceway staged its 26th annual Industry Day celebration on the afternoon of Aug. 1. The…