Archived Letter – 789

I read with great displeasure that the County of Wellington is proposing a budget increase of 3.2%…

Archived Letter – 790

“Just another day at the office” Kudos to Ted Arnott, our local MPP! A billion dollars,…

Archived Letter – 791

As a target employee, I am asking that all media correct the misconception that we will be…

Archived Letter – 792

Thank you for sending me the copy of Volume 43 Issue 53. It was very generous of you. Sincerely.…

Archived Letter – 793

Dear Editor Provost Lane, Historical House Fergus Let’s not make this a project—agree…

Archived Letter – 794

Marj’s Restaurant Alma Our not the current employees entitled to Serverence Pay as Per…

Archived Letter – 795

I am looking for the owner of a ” singing spaniel” dog that I photographed sitting with…

Archived Letter – 796

Mr Stephen Thorning Sorry I may not have your name right. Would you mind doing a writeup for…

Archived Letter – 797

Re: French fiasco? Contrary to what you may believe, no one is spending millions of dollars to…

Archived Letter – 798

Last week, the Supreme Court struck down laws prohibiting assisted suicide in Canada, thereby…

Archived Letter – 799

Bonjour, J’ai été très déçue de votre article ‘ french Fiasco’. Nous sommes…

Archived Letter – 800

As a resident of the Wellington-Halton Hills riding, I make a point of reading the Queen’s…

Archived Letter – 801

A Letter of Appreciation: Every winter, Mapleton residents enjoy skating on an outdoor community…

Archived Letter – 802

Mr Thorning’s piece on speed skating was refreshing, and surprising to find…

Archived Letter – 803

Atten: Kelly Waterhouse, Re: Laughing Gas… Dear Kelly, Your food intolerances…