Letter to Editor (Wellington Advertisor) After reading reporter Mike Robinson’s articles on…
Archived Letter – 606
Dearest Editor Before you print a two page spread thanking hydro companies everywhere for their…
Archived Letter – 607
Can someone explain how food goes bad during an electrical outage living in Canada in December,…
Archived Letter – 608
Just a thank you to all who helped. A few days before Christmas 2013 Twas a few days before…
Archived Letter – 609
Dearest Editor – could I put a note in the paper that I feel is important this time of year,…
Archived Letter – 610
Dearest Editor – could I put a note in the paper that I feel is important this time of year,…
Archived Letter – 611
Dear Editor Like thousands of Canadians I watched the television coverage on the death of Nelson…
Archived Letter – 612
Title: Beer Store Monopoly It’s high time Mac Milk stores in Ontario changed more like their…
Archived Letter – 613
Letter to the editor regarding legal tactics petition This is to ask your readers to sign the legal…
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Not sure how to contact person responsible for my request…My granddaughter (Hailey Crawford)…
Archived Letter – 615
RE:Numbers Game: Letter to the editor from Richard Giles- Jan 17. Richard: I had the same thought…
Archived Letter – 616
Thankyou To The Elora Arena Staff I am writing this to commend the staff at the Elora arena for…
Archived Letter – 617
Subject:$4million for teacher math upgrade This article raises two questions for me: 1) Why were…
Archived Letter – 618
A HUGE thank-you to local businesses!! On Dec. 31st my husband and I ran a 3 on 3 tournament for CW…
Archived Letter – 619
This is our last chance to relay legitimate concerns to the government of Ontario regarding pending…