RE: ‘Goofie’ parking scheme, March 14 paper I am in agreeance that the parking in downtown…
Archived Letter – 637
March 16, 2014 Stinky … Someone, and you know who you are, is making all dog owners look bad.…
Archived Letter – 638
Fat Cat Getting Fatter. Recently I took my car to a local carwash. After inserting my money nothing…
Archived Letter – 639
Mr Ted Arnott, Would you kindly consider forwarding the following message to ‘the powers that…
Archived Letter – 640
Dear Editor, Healing Journey post colorectal cancer diagnosis: In the spring of 2009, I was advised…
Archived Letter – 641
Connecting link program. I keep reading that our current provincial government has stopped funding…
Archived Letter – 642
Hi, my name is Katherine and I am grade 12 student at Centre Wellington District High School. I…
Archived Letter – 643
Test? Please let me know if you have received this. Thanks Robin…
Archived Letter – 644
Dear Editor – this isn’t really a letter; rather, it’s a request that you pass on…
Archived Letter – 645
My hat goes off to Toronto constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati for bringing forth the case of…
Archived Letter – 646
To the community, On March 27th, the CWDHS Amnesty Club hosted the Hunger Banquet. It was a huge…
Archived Letter – 647
Thank You from Sensational Elora Sensational Elora has had the pleasure over the last few weeks to…
Archived Letter – 648
SPRING FLING 3 ON 3 TOURNAMENT! For the first time Centre Wellington Minor Hockey is hosting a 3 on…
Archived Letter – 649
Am I alone in feeling dismissed as a constituent of Michael Chong’s? I’m very tired of reading…
Archived Letter – 650
NEW TOWER ST BRIDGE I was out for a walk on the last day of March and was crossing the new bridge…