Dear Editor: RE: Court dismisses request for judicial review of Swastika Trail decisions, June…
‘Infuriating’ decision
Dear Editor: How utterly disappointing and infuriating to read of Centre Wellington council’s 5-2…
Dutch day welcomed
Dear Editor: Congratulations to Michael Chong for his recent free letter to his constituents in…
Orangutan event
Dear Editor: I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the community of Fergus and everyone who…
Music madness
Dear Editor: RE: Cancellation of the music program at Wellington Heights Secondary School in Mount…
Donkey defender
Dear Editor: RE: The Thorning Revisited column entitled Donkey baseball was popular in mid-20th…
Street safety issues
Dear Editor: On June 19, 15 residents of Frederick St. W., Edward and Francis Streets in Arthur…
Protect privacy
Dear Editor: I, and many others like me, are concerned that our political parties are gathering…
Great loss
Dear Editor: Centre Wellington and particularly Elora recently lost one of its greatest volunteers.…
Garbage policy is trash
Dear Editor: I was upset recently when asked to pay $5 per bag at the transfer station in Elora. I…
Bridge entrance
Dear Editor: RE: The proposed design of the Badley Bridge in Elora. Being a fourth generation…
Replicate current bridge
Dear Editor: RE: Pillar proposal, June 20. It is actually the uninspiring plan for this bridge…
Bad bargain
Dear Editor: RE: Club is inclusive, June 20. Different strokes for different folks. Any parent…
‘Disheartening’ cut
Dear Editor: An open letter to the trustees of the Upper Grand District School Board. I was…
Rural heritage
Dear Editor: Where are the stewards of Centre Wellington’s historical assets? At its June 17…