Ford fury

Dear Editor:

I lived in Erin for 34 years and have always been amazed at how the area votes Tory. 

Now the same mayors and councillors that voted Tory are mashing their teeth over the cutting of municipal grants. The people who voted for Ford will see less services and higher property taxes. 

In Erin the full OMPF grant was included in the budget so almost $600,000 may be lost. Of course what does that do to the infamous wastewater plant? It will be interesting to see that bill as it will happen as one developer is suing the town. And what purpose is there for strategic plan meetings? Money wasted. 

Premier Ford does not have money for infrastructure but millions for lawsuits. Put to rest the lie that he lowered gas prices – other provinces have lower. It was due to the price of oil and the glut. Also the deficit is $4 billion less, but hey, need lies to gut services.

He did say “For the People” – what he meant was his people who do what he says. Ford had the second worst attendance record on city council. He called the legislature back to force hydro workers not to strike and then never showed up for question period or the vote. 

As Einstein once said, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” Come the election, the area will still vote Tory and the excuse is always, “We vote for the person not the party.” What a rationalization; you vote for the party. Did Ted Arnott ever buck the party?

In closing, I love those in the riding that kept asking me how could Americans vote for Trump since I am an American. Let me ask: who is dumber, those that voted for Trump or those that put Ford in power knowing his checkered history?

Jim Trautman,
