Dear Editor: I don’t know which number is more disturbing: 0 km or 1/10 of a kilometre. 1/10 is…
Lots of Liberal love
Dear Editor: We should all be concerned about deficits. Historically, Liberal prime ministers…
‘Kool-Aid’ complicity?
Dear Editor: The Advertiser publishes letter after letter that casts doubt on the reality of…
Vote wisely
Dear Editor: Today I heard that 46% of Canadians are $200 away from being financially ruined. That…
Pearle plea
Dear Editor: RE: So much for sleepy, Oct. 3. I read Barry McCarthy’s letter last week and it…
Darkness vs. light
Dear Editor: We are in an epic battle between the forces of darkness and light. The dark side tries…
Stolen signs
Dear Editor: I’m saddened and disgusted that the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) election signs…
Stand-in accepted
Dear Editor: Thank you for highlighting some of the issues raised at the all-candidates’ meeting…
Quid pro quo?
Dear Editor: The Aspen McCullough Alliance will be fighting to keep the proposed Halton Crushed…
Tax break
Dear Editor: I must admit I am sometimes confused by our tax laws. The Conservative candidate has…
Stop permits
Dear Editor: Since Nestlé Waters Canada’s permit to extract water from its Aberfoyle well…
Arborist advice
Dear Editor: As a member of a family of arborists I have learned to recognize the value of trees,…
Euthanasia concerns
Dear Editor: Courts in Canada have become proficient at changing our laws and by now your readers…
No-cost parking
Dear Editor: I sincerely hope that the new Groves hospital continues with the plan to have no-cost…
Tea reference
Dear Editor: RE: Tea time, Sept. 26. Kudos to Jaime Myslik for correctly referring to “afternoon…