‘One-term government’

Dear Editor:

The actions of the Ford government since its election victory have shown it to be a government totally bereft of policies that will benefit the people of Ontario. 

Let me correct that statement. It should read, “benefit most of the people of Ontario”, for there is indeed a small component of our population actually benefitting from the Conservative’s largesse: the upper income earners, business leaders and, in particular, developers of various stripes. 

I guess, in retrospect, we all should have pushed harder prior to the election to have the Progressive Conservatives clarify their platform before voting these numbskulls into power. 

I think that part of the electorate that actually voted for them was so focused on getting rid of Kathleen Wynne and her Liberals that it blindly allowed this wildly ill-informed and reactionary party to gain power. 

Using the tired mantra of “Ontario is open for business” and spouting dubious figures as to the actual debt it had inherited, this government has proceeded to “poo-poo” facts concerning global warming, to end cap and trade legislation and has refused to mandate genuine carbon taxation. 

And finally it has had the nerve to attack any form of environmental protection we may have had, all in the name of promoting business opportunities for special interest groups.

It’s ironic that this party has the word “progressive” in its name; “progressive” and “conservative” are a contradiction in terms and this is being exhibited consistently by this government. As it jumps from one disaster to another, we are witnessing a group of inexperienced and, frankly, not too bright individuals intent on destroying anything that smells to them of Liberal red tape. 

Unfortunately, in their haste to do so they are causing irreparable damage to many segments of our society. Already the government has had to backtrack and remove Section 10 from its Bill 66 because of widespread public protest. If it continues with its attack on our environmental protection, there will be further embarrassment.

What this government needs to do is to slow down, think things through clearly and consider how their actions will benefit all the people of Ontario. 

If it doesn’t, it is guaranteed to be a one-term government. 

Mike Shackleford,
