Dog tag sales up 87% this year

Reve­nue generated this year from dog tag sales has already surpassed the total for all of 2008.

As of the end of March, the municipality had collected over $12,500, up 87% over the same period last year, when the town­ship collected under $6,700.

As of April 18, sales are up over $15,000, while the total for all of 2008 was just $11,545.

“As you can see, there are a lot more dogs in the township,” Clerk Patty Sinnamon joked last week.

The real reason for the glaring discrepancy is simple: the township hired a dog tag enumerator, who started work in January.

“The numbers don’t lie, I guess,” Director of Finance Mike Givens told council on April 14 as he relayed the News.

Council okayed the hiring late last year after becoming frustrated with a 66% drop in revenue from dog tag sales since 2003, when sales topped out at $32,010. That year the township employed two enumerators at a cost of $6,500 each.

And when it ceased door-to-door sales the following year, revenue steadily declined despite letters sent to previous tag owners and notices placed in the local Newspaper, as well as other steps to encourage sales.

Revenue for the next five years was:

– $24,010 in 2004;

– $24,950 in 2005;

– $21,830 in 2006;

– $12,285 in 2007; and

– $11,545 in 2008, .

Part of the problem, Clerk Patty Sinnamon said last year, is monitoring is based on a complaint system and the township has no authority to go onto private property and en­force the rules.

This year, dog tags cost $15 for the first one, $30 for the second, and $45 for the third ($90 total for three dogs). After May 15 the prices increase to $25, $40, and $55 respectively ($120 for three dogs).

The enumerator will likely cost the township between $6,000 and $7,000 this year, Sinnamon said.

Given said he is not sure exactly how much of the township has been covered by the enumerator so far, but told council he would find out. He added the enumerator has also had an effect on sales at the township office.

“Word travels fast, so we’ve had a lot more people in buying tags as well,” Givens said.

Councillors seemed pleased with the results.

