I’m on the other side of my July birthday now, which gave pause for reflection on the year that passed. So much change, but with it, so much growth.
WriteOut of Her Mind
I wouldn’t have put “run from cows” on my list of life challenges I’d like to experience, but suffice it to say, I have now experienced the sheer panic that comes from trying to out-run cows.
Welcome to the sexiest season on the Canadian calendar: summer.
Canadian content
My closest friends will tell you there is nothing I like more than finding the right song with the right lyrics for the right moment and sharing it with them.
If you weren’t at the Fergus Fall Fair’s Breakfast on the Farm event last weekend, put it on your calendar for next year.
The white lace curtains that hung over the window overlooking my desk were moving slowly, in and out, as if breathing.
When I got home Saturday night from the Meadows Music Festival in Fergus, I reeked of beer, vodka coolers, pop and whatever substances floated through the air, though I did not actually consume any of it.
Number 92
I feel it is my civic duty to tell you that if you live in Wellington County and are not a card-carrying member of your local library, you’re missing out on some seriously good stuff.
It turns out country life suits me quite nicely. I am communing with nature every day. It makes me…
The first long weekend of nice weather (fingers crossed) is finally upon us. For this, we must…
Run with scissors
Writing a Mother’s Day column is challenging despite the fact that nothing has shaped my life more than becoming a mother – except maybe having one whose influence on my life remains one of my greatest blessings.
Spirit of radio
One of the greatest legacies a person can leave in their beloved profession is to be a mentor for those new to the trade, who are well aware of the shadow cast by the giants who paved the way before them. Better still is if those mentors have giant hearts.
Marriage is hard. Working in a business together is harder. You both have to pick up sticks, but under no circumstances can you whack each other with them, even if you want to (visualization helps).
At a time when I was on the precipice of a big life decision, a friend gave me this advice: ask yourself what guidance you would give your child if they were in your situation. Then, do that.
Fly bye
You should see how well I’m handling country life.