How do I feel? Excited? Ebullient? Exuberant? All of those enthusiastic emotions and a lot more. In…
The bare facts
“Three naked men jumped from the airplane,” my son said just as if it happened every…
Galloping horses and stray bullets
Last column, I wrote about the dangers prairie kids faced getting to school in midwinter 60 or…
Let them eat cake
Some years ago, I wrote a column that cited statistics suggesting 78% of Canadians believe hunger…
It’s party time
Decades ago, future stenographers practiced their touch typing by using the line: "Now is the…
Changing for the sake of change
As a normal result of getting older, almost any comment about change in society sends me spinning…
Beware: here comes the Kindle
I clearly remember the first time I saw television. I stood at the window of a radio shop watching…
Absolute worst poet in Canada
As a writer, I have tried my hand at many literary genre. That includes technical books, news…
As we grow older, memory begins to stagger and then to lose its grip. You’d think that…
Exotic friends
I often think of people I have known and value the things I have learned from them. I also realize…
Dueling TVs
Have you seen some of the ads that have appeared on television, sponsored by local broadcasters and…
When the medium has no message
Here I go griping again. The last few columns must make me seem like a really miserable old…
His transgression; my guilt
The ongoing reports of drunk driving punctuate the fact that our society has not solved the…
The root of all evil
You can’t always tell a book by its cover or judge a person by first impressions. I met HB in…
A journey into hope
My travel column for this month recalls a trip taken about six years ago into the Golden Triangle…