Almost two weeks ago, distress hung over me like a Scottish fog over Fergus. The next day would…
Changing medium
We recently watched a series of television shows that stand in sharp contrast to the usual…
My special heroes
In last week’s column you saw me seated in my big green chair dreaming about past…
Wiseman’s funniest videos
As I watched America’s Funniest Videos (AFV) the other night, I began to think of all the…
To brake or not to brake
This month’s travel story deals with a head-on crash, a battle with an insurance company, and…
Free speech
Sir Winston Churchill in 1946 said, "We must never cease to proclaim in fearless tones the…
Heroes in Burma are worth aiding
Just ten weeks ago I took you on a trip to Myanmar, that southeast Asia country formerly known as…
On the go again
The fool that far is sent, Some wisdom to attain, Returns an idiot, as he went, And brings the fool…
Health care, Groves style
Most often when columnists choose to trumpet about our health-care system, the resulting message…
Eyes: treasures of a lifetime
Lying flat on my back, I looked into a whirl of changing colours as the surgeon cut into my eye and…
Uncivil war
I spent time going through websites sponsored by people who oppose President Obama’s attempts…
The generation gap
As Keith sat in the den looking through two open doors into the sun room, a smile flickered across…
Clinging to a vital memory
Some months ago I told you about Anna’s struggle with short-term memory. The doctors simply…
Death by acceleration, alcohol and apathy
Almost every time I watch the evening news, I see pictures of smashed cars, burned out …
When danger stalked a frozen land
When I was a kid on the prairie farm, adventure arrived on the ice-clad wings of every winter…