They’re not exactly ‘tree-huggers’, but members of Wellington County’s…
Group foresees growth for farmers’ markets
Getting fresh, locally produced fruits, vegetables and baked goods are an important reason for…
A weekly press release prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural…
WEB ONLY: Weed inspector appointed
Minto councillors appointed Angelo Giovinazzo as the 2009 weed inspector for the town on…
WEB ONLY: OFA hosting summit on young farmers
The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) wants to help develop initiatives to support…
Farm collection program coming this October
A well-established obsolete pesticide collection program is being expanded this year to also…
Annual heifer sale raised $202,000 for MCC
The 28th annual heifer sale sponsored by Ontario Mennonite Relief Sale Inc. raised $202,000 for the…
Councillors growing weary over facing same questions about garbage
Several county councillors here have indicated they are tired of facing the same types of questions…
WEB ONLY: Junior Farmers anticipate a great 2009
Friendships, Sports, culture, and community betterment – Wellington Junior Farmers has it…
County grade 3 students get a pizza lesson from raceway
The Grand River Agricultural Society is hosting an agricultural education program called Pizza…
4-H club rebuilds old snowmobile for auction
The Wellington County 4-H Small Engine Club, The Rednecks Slednecks, was busy this past winter with…
Elora/Alma Toy Show
The Elora Optimist Toy Show had been going for 16 years and has raised over $1000.00 for the…
Farmers must continue working together for their betterment
The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is an organization built for its members. Each day we work to…
Fergus ambassador at provincial convention
Hundreds of delegates and more than 80 ambassadors representing agricultural…
Upcoming contra dancing
Guelph Country Dances hold their upcoming monthly contra dance at Norfolk Street United Church on…