Wellington County OPP is once again reminding county residents about the Microsoft…
Policing cost lower than expected
The cost of policing was lower than expected in 2013, Wellington County council has learned.…
Belt safety
Wellington County OPP officers attended Farm Safety Day in Mapleton on April 19 to show visitors…
OPP issue warning after girl approached by male while waiting for school bus in Mapleton
On April 8 at approximately 9:19pm, Wellington County OPP officers were contacted by a concerned…
OPP to host drug drop-off day
The OPP is teaming up with members of the Wellington Guelph Drug Strategy in a bid to get…
Crime of the Week
Sometime during the evening hours of Feb. 2, an attempted theft occurred at a business located on…
OPP report three highway fatalities on long weekend
Tragically, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) reported three deaths on OPP-patrolled roads over…
OPP issue farm vehicle warning
Every year the OPP investigate devastating incidents involving young children being injured by…
Crime of the Week
Sometime between the hours of 1:40 and 2:24am on Feb. 11, a break and enter occurred at a business…
Food for thought
Guelph-Eramosa firefighters from the Rockwood station joined forces with Kevin Kim, owner of the…
OPP warn of vehicle break-ins
On April 7, Wellington County OPP received reports of vehicles being entered overnight on King…
OPP issue water warning
Ontario Provincial Police are issuing a warning to all citizens to stay away from open water during…
OPP issue warning as cyclists set to hit roads
As the weather gets warmer, there will be more cyclists in towns and on county…
Gas thefts on the rise
Provincial policing agencies everywhere, including the Wellington OPP, have noted an increase in…
Vehicles entered
On April 2 Wellington County OPP received four reports of thefts from vehicles parked in driveways…