Items brought in for an appraisal at last weekend’s 19th annual Elora Antique Show and Sale…
Trillium Run set for May 8
Wellington North council recently gave its blessing to the ninth annual Trillium races here on…
REVIEW: Theatre Orangevilles 18 Wheels offers something for everyone
A musical about truckers? Could there be a more difficult gap to bridge between genre and subject…
Company hired to create promotional Minto videos
Town council here is hiring Tall Tale Media to promote Minto to investors and potential residents.…
Local groups receive $472,600 in Ontario Trillium Foundation grants
When the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) announced over $35.2-million in grants last week, six…
Appraiser tells council cash in lieu of parkland offer okay
It turns out that a cash-in-lieu of parkland offer for the Reid’s Heritage Lake development…
Horticultural Society leaders hear about two county green initiatives
Assistant Director Jane McDonald welcomed landscape designer Don Prosser to the…
Candidates offer ideas for Wellington Halton Hills riding
Candidates in the federal election are off and running. Three the five current candidates…
OMB approves Roszell gravel pit
An Ontario Municipal Board member has directed the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to issue a…
Minto reNews real estate database
If an idea works, keep it up. Councillors here agrees with a recommendation from its economic…
Township looking into LCBO license for facilities
Wellington North is still investigating a municipal LCBO license for its facilities. One of…
Chong announces federal grants for local co-operatives
Wellington Halton Hills MP Michael Chong announced two grants for area farmers recently. He…
Seniors foot care clinic runs April 21
The East Wellington Community Services will be hosting a foot care clinic April 21. The fee is…
Countys credit rating gets a boost
The Standard and Poor’s credit rating agency announced last week that the County of…
Youth famine to help Haiti victims
Students from Centre Wellington will be joining more than 100,000 Canadian youths…