Wellington County agricultural officials last week took a trip to Queen’s Park and other city…
Despite petition of opposition … few citizens attend meeting on proposed works yard
Despite a petition launched last year in opposition to the proposed Arthur works yard, it seemed…
Public Health issues norovirus warning
Outbreaks of norovirus infection continue to be reported to Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public…
Council brought up to speed on wireless work
Wellington North councillors were recently brought up to date on wireless communications…
Wellington County supports moratorium on wind energy projects
In a roundabout way, county council has supported Mapleton Township’s bid to ask the province…
Groves restricts visits due to gastro outbreak
Groves Memorial Community Hospital is restricting visitors to the hospital’s medical floor.…
Meeting to consider sewage request
Wellington North council will set up a meeting to consider a septage handling request…
Hugh Black Founders Bonspiel: Celebrating 175 years of curling
It seems the Black family name is synonymous with curling, and as the recent Hugh Black Founders…
Mischievous, twisty Nearly Lear plays at River Run March 11
River Run Centre presents Nearly Lear on March 11 at 8pm. Created by Susanna…
Seed workshop set for March 25
A Growing Perennials from Seed Workshop is being offered at The Arboretum, University of…
Centre Wellington Rotary Club helps Haitians
The members of Centre Wellington Rotary Club have made two donations of $1,000 each to aid the…
Small business 101 with CFIB: Taxes and your business
As a small business owner you know firsthand the complexities around Canada’s tax…
In an article on Jan. 22, councillor Bob Foster was cited as complaining that development…
Being prepared for floods is a main concern, says Minto fire chief
When it comes to flooding here, Minto is using the past to prepare for the future. At a recent…
National Farmers Union invites councillors to Sustainable Farmer of the Year awards
Pat Brown, of the Waterloo-Wellington National Farmers Union wants Wellington North to be…