Wellington North council supports need for reasonable access for health service

Coun­cillors here support Welland in its bid for equal and reasonable access to all necessary medical and health services provided through the hospital system.

The city’s resolution de­manded that an improved funding model be developed and im­plemented by the province to ensure every citizen has equal and reasonable access to medical and health services.

Mayor Mike Broomhead said it is interesting that in his 20-plus years on council, “It is the first time I’ve seen a resolution that starts off with a demand. A little heavy worded, it’s certainly not how we do things here.”

However, in asking for coun­cil’s opinion, councillor Ross Chaulk suggested council support it.

“It gives the province an indication that people are not happy,” he said.

Councillor Dan Yake also asked for a copy of the resolution to take to the local hospital board.

Council passed a resolution to support Welland’s request.

