WEB ONLY: Family breakfast, skate March 21

Here Is a family activity and a way to end March break.

On March 21, join Well­ing­ton Halton Hills MP Michael Chong and his family during East Wellington Community Services’ first Flop ’n’ Flip at Centre 2000.

There is a pancake breakfast in the Wellington Room and then go for a family skate. The breakfast begins at 8:30am with skating from at 10 to 11:00am. Tickets are $5 per per­son with a family of four rate of $17. All proceeds sup­port East Wellington Commu­nity Service.

It is a registered charity cele­brating 25 years of pro­vid­ing programs and services for children, seniors and families throughout Erin, Hillsburgh, Rockwood, and Guelph-Era­mosa.



