Trio of students donate hair

It is not often that an entire school watches while someone gets their hair cut.

But St. Joseph’s Catholic School students did last week, as three students had their hair cut to benefit the Locks of Love organization.

That group needs hair from ten people in order to make wigs for children who are undergoing treatment for can­cer and who go bald during that treatment.

The event was organized by Emily Prestaya, 10, of grade 5. She was joined by classmates Catherine Melburn and Faith Tanti.

Deborah Landman, of Deb­orah’s Hair Styling, on Gordon Street, did the snipping on the stage.

Locks of Love will make the wigs and distribute them for free.

Melburn, when asked if she was sad to be chopping her hair, said, “A little bit, but I’m happy I’m donating my hair.”

She added she will wear a hat when the cold weather arrives.

Melburn donated 15 inches of hair, while Prestaya and Tanti chopped off 12 inches each.

Principal  Lowell Butts told the assembly in the gym, “no one asked them to do it. They decided on their own.” He noted that there have been other hair cutting dona­tions this year at the school, too.

Anika Larsen, in grade 1, donated to Toys for Tots, while Erin Vink, in grade 7, donated her hair to Locks of Love.

