Pennies for the needy a gift from angels

Some people want the government to stop making it.

And some people simply toss them in the street – where the more frugal among us pick them up. But the humble penny resonates with the children at the Little Angels day centre in Elora.

They are busy collecting and rolling pennies to help people this Christmas.

Centre supervisor Lori Readyhough said on Nov. 4 that the children started to collect pennies on Oct. 4 from every source they could find – including parents and grandparents.

To date, they have raised $50, enough to give one and perhaps two families a Christmas dinner this year.

Readyhough said staff thought a penny drive would be easier for the children and just as effective as food donations.

And, as the pile of coins indicated, the kids were not averse to other types of coins, either. They already have a roll of dimes, and there are nickels and quarters amongst the one cent pieces.

The penny drive will run until Dec. 4, and then the money will be presented to the Centre Wellington Food bank.

“Every penny counts,” said Readyhough.


