Snow, snow, go away – come again some other day! That was a chant that was directed to the…
Proposal to divert county road caused furor in Nichol in 1928
One of the most contentious political issues in the Elora area in the 1970s was the construction of…
Working together
In our minority provincial parliament, the moments of non-partisan cooperation are few and far…
Death of JFK changed the world
The knock on the door came in the middle of a nice November Friday afternoon, with some of us…
Winter coats
Winter is here and with it comes the age-old relationship debate: why do women need more winter…
Wet and sticky
This past couple of days I found myself taking advantage of the few hours of early afternoon sun,…
Fergus elected a reform council in 1874, pledged to cut expenses
A common feature of government at all levels is the candidate who promises to cut waste and…
The federal government has committed to reduce GHG emissions by 17 per cent below 2005 levels by…
A new model
Faith in so many of our major institutions has been shaken tremendously over the past two decades.…
Common scents
Face it: life stinks. It’s the season of soggy boots on the wet mat, wool mittens dripping…
On a sunny, cloud-spotted midday this past week, as I sauntered aimlessly from my birdie bungalow,…
Andrew Spalding was a notable man in Elora’s early history
Kinship ties and family connections, and old-country friendships played major roles in emigration…
Run amok
Whizzing around companies’ electronic mail system is increasing to an almost unmanageable…
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was dreaming, merging the details of a news report coming…
Rethinking thoughts
After 80 summers, one sees life in hindsight, often sauntering through the sub-cellars of the mind,…