Mapleton approves zoning change for Drayton retail store, hobby barn

MAPLETON – Council here has approved a zoning change to permit a retail store and hobby barn with highland cows at 75 John St. in Drayton. 

Property owners Nicole and Dylan Knetch applied for the zoning change during a public meeting on Dec. 10, and the application was approved during a regular meeting of council on Jan. 14. 

The property is about 2.7 hectares (6.7 acres) in size and includes a residential building and accessory structures. 

The amendment rezones the land from residential to site specific residential to permit the retail sale of home decor and furniture, accessory to the main residential use, and the limited keeping of livestock.

An existing garage structure on the property will be converted to be used as the retail space.  

The retail use must be conducted within an accessory structure and meet all applicable provisions for retail, including parking, loading and garbage management.

The property is allowed a maximum of five animals and manure storage must be managed or removed from the property. 

No livestock facility is permitted except a mobile shelter.  
