Many happy returns: Local hospitals benefit from donation of empties

TORONTO – Beer Store customers raised a total $2.3 million for hospitals and food banks across the province by donating their returns since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Locally, about $143,000 will be divided among the following hospitals:

  • Groves Memorial Community Hospital in Fergus;
  • North Wellington Health Care (hospitals in Palmerston and Mount Forest);
  • Headwaters Health Care Centre in Orangeville; and
  • Guelph General Hospital.

The Beer Store made the announcement Sept. 22.

The Beer Store announced in March that consumers returning empties for recycling could choose to donate their proceeds to hospitals and foodbanks within their own communities.

Donation recipients were selected by store managers and employees.

“We thank the people of Ontario for their incredible generosity,” said Beer Store President Ted Moroz in a statement.

“To donate their returns in such large numbers clearly demonstrates how much they want to show their support for people working at local health centres and foodbanks.”

While this program is coming to an end, the Beer Store will continue to accept donations on behalf of the charitable programs it has long supported.