Maieron seeks notice of ambulance meetings

The councillor working for better ambulance service for Erin is now asking for better communication from Guelph.

Councillor Lou Maieron asked social services com­mit­tee chairman Gord Tosh Oct. 29 to ask the city to provide better information to county officials.

Tosh had just explained that there was no September ambu­lance commit­tee meeting.

He noted the city and county were in hearings that week over the way they pay for social services.

Maieron said he found it “incredible that I have to learn about the ambulance meeting in Erin in the Wellington Ad­ver­tiser and at the fairgrounds.”

The city had set up a meet­ing for the same day of county council, Oct. 29, and then cancelled it.

Maieron said he is pleased there will be a meeting, but is not happy about how it was an­nounced by the city, with coun­ty councillors like himself uninformed about it.

“They should let council know,” he said.

Tosh  said he hopes the hear­ings are finished “we can get [city and county] relations back to normal.”

