Councillors here have no issue waiving rental fees for a Family Day event next…
Puslinch taxes may increase by 2.4% in 2017
Based on information provided during a Jan. 12 public meeting, residents in Puslinch can expect to…
Ice time at Optimist Recreation Centre
The Kalita family, including Aidan, Marsha, Lily and Tom, spent some time skating on Jan. 15 at the…
Puslinch user fee updates
Puslinch Township is changing its policy on Puslinch Community Centre rentals to provide an 80 per…
Puslinch allows parking on unopened road allowance near lake
Is it a dispute amongst neighbours or a beef over enforcing a township parking bylaw? Puslinch…
Education accommodation review process panned
Puslinch councillors support the idea of the province rethinking its educational accommodation…
Council congratulates Lever on becoming warden
As the Dec. 21 Puslinch council session wrapped up, councillors congratulated Mayor Dennis Lever on…
MPAC levy increases by two percent province-wide
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is going to cost municipalities more in the…
Puslinch Township feels voice being drowned out on water taking issue
Puslinch councillors are not impressed with a the timing of a Bottled Water Technical Guidance…
Public meeting on budget on Jan. 12
Puslinch Township is holding a budget input public information meeting on Jan. 12 at…