Minto council viewed a video on Rural Ontario Institute (ROI) Youth Engagement Showcase finalist…
Bell restoration
An 800-pound bell was recently removed from the top of the former Harriston post office on July 6…
Clock tower donation
The Harriston 55-Plus Club recently donated $1,000 toward a project to restore the clock, bell and…
Teenie Tiny Tots shop takes Pitch It prize
Teenie Tiny Tots Childrens Shop is the winner of the 2016 Pitch It! Business Plan…
New location
Tucker Industries of Palmerston recently had an official opening of their new facility in the…
Crime of the Week
Sometime overnight on June 3, an act of mischief occurred at the Mennonite Cedarvale Church on the…
Market day
The Town of Minto's Palmerston Farmer's Market was a busy spot on Aug. 18, as customers enjoyed…
Fireworks to be part of homecoming festivities
Committee Chair Bill Smith welcomed 29 members and guests to a recent Clifford Homecoming 2017…
Drew barbecue
Proceeds from the annual Drew Community Centre Board barbecue have been designated this year to…
Jorden Scholten wins Ontario Miss Mid West crown
A Minto resident will once again wear the Ontario Miss-Midwest…