The Town of Minto has received gold status as a Youth Friendly…
Minto supports seniors centre plan to apply for program funds
Council here has agreed to provide financial and in-kind support for a plan to secure funding for…
Town approves noise exemption to allow evening construction
Council here has agreed to conditionally waive the town's noise bylaw for Ministry of…
Society requests more entrance signage
The Clifford and District Horticultural Society is asking the Town of Minto to facilitate…
Proposed land transfer raises concerns about potential flooding
Town council is proceeding with plans to facilitate a three-way land swap on a George Street…
On the grill
Minto residents Bonnie St. Jean and Pearl Oakes have volunteered their culinary skills and time to…
Inspiring women address International Women”s Day Luncheon
Guest speakers at the Seniors' Centre for Excellence's first International Women's Day Luncheon…
Clifford Merry Makers get lesson on herbal remedies
Guest speaker Janna Dodds lit a couple of bees wax candles while setting out a display of herbs and…
Stamp collecting topic for diners
]Guest speaker Jim Measures of Clifford shared his expertise, knowledge and stories related to…
Hockey champs
For the second consecutive year, the Norwell girl's varsity hockey team has captured the District 4…