The Best of Bowie band was the first musical act of the afternoon at the We Are One Music Festival…
4-H club members make bridges
The second meeting of the Mimosa 4-H Engineering Club was held on May…
4-H: members learn about electricity
The third meeting of the 4-H engineering club was held on May 26. Once everyone arrived, president…
House damaged after fire
A house on Wellington Road 26 in Erin was damaged after a fire that started in the kitchen area of…
Rural break-in, theft
On May 8 Wellington OPP officers were dispatched to a break-in at a rural property on Wellington…
Sherlock Holmes comes to Century Church Theatre
Ken Ludwig's new comedy, The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays will be opening at Century…
Subsurface disposal “not viable” solution for Erin wastewater
A town consultant says subsurface disposal is not a viable solution for the treatment of wastewater…
Tire Take Back on May 23 to June 3
Erin Auto Recyclers is taking part in the province-wide Tire Take Back campaign to raise money in…
4-H members learn outdoor skills
The first event of the Mimosa 4-H Outdoor Club was held on May 6 at the Belwood Lake Conservation…
4-H: Mimosa Engineering Club begins
The first meeting of the Mimosa 4-H Engineering Club was held on April…