The Erin water department will be performing maintenance on the water tower this…
Spring Concert comes to Erin Church
The annual Spring Concert at 3pm on May 7 at All Saints Anglican Church in Erin will again be led…
Freda Leenders named Erin”s Citizen of the Year at volunteer appreciation awards night
It was a packed auditorium at Centre 2000 on April 22 to celebrate local "works of…
Nestle discusses Middlebrook well purchase
Nestle Waters Canada officials opened up about the purchase of the Middlebrook Well outside of…
Auditions being held in Hillsburgh
Century Theatre Guild is holding auditions for the comedy, Alone Together Again on May 6 at the…
EDHS”s Farm Project donation
On April 19, students from Erin District High School were the beneficiaries of a $9,800 donation…
4-H Computer Club starts up again
The first meeting of the Mimosa 4-H Computer Club was held on April 5 at Mimosa United Church. Old…
Erin residents speak out against Nestle”s voluntary levy before council makes decision
A voluntary levy offered by Nestle Waters Canada to the Town of Erin has sparked outrage from…
Hockey card fraud
Police have charged an Erin man with fraud after uncovering an alleged scheme involving the rookie…
School damaged
On April 10 Wellington County OPP received a report of mischief at St. John Brebeuf Catholic School…