Archived Letter – 1155

An Open letter to the Evangelical Churches in Canada For the first time in modern history you have…

Archived Letter – 1156

Dear Editor: Hands up anybody who wants to pay less income tax. Wow, look at that – everybody…

Archived Letter – 1157

Dear Editors, Reform: Prime Minister Trudeau took the opportunity, while in the Northwest…

Archived Letter – 1158

What a patronizing tone Helen Hansen uses in her letter “Palliative Care”. According to…

Archived Letter – 1159

Dear Editor: RE: Palliative Care- Feb 10 If one were to follow Helen Hansen’s logic that…

Archived Letter – 1160

Rockers Tournament a Success! On behalf of the Elora Rockers Hockey Association I would like to…

Archived Letter – 1161

The advocacy, decision-making, and conversation about water that is happening right now, in our…

Archived Letter – 1162

Dear Editors; “Quid pro quo” Ms. Wynne has exhausted just about every possible venue…

Archived Letter – 1163

Dear Editors; Double Whammy ! I see that we are now paying the hydro bills of the souls who cannot…

Archived Letter – 1164

Dear Editors; Dear Ms. Wynne; I’m out of fuel oil and it’s getting cold in here.…

Archived Letter – 1165

Hello! We are a group of 14 young teenagers in high school who all struggle with different forms of…

Archived Letter – 1166

Dear Editor: I have a solution for David Brandow’s (Selfish Monster Feb. 24) crisis of…

Archived Letter – 1167

I just wanted to thank everyone involved behind the scenes with CW Minor Hockey. At times it can be…

Archived Letter – 1168

It seems more and more people in Fergus like to have their dogs off-leash in their yards. Having…

Archived Letter – 1169

Sir we have a petition online for a new Roller rink here in Guelph but we need more people to sign…