Archived Letter – 1393

Re: Say no to carbon tax March 15

Paul Dunnill is correct in saying people still have to drive, but does not want a carbon tax. Does he realize that regulations, subsidies, free allotments, exemptions, tax breaks etc. to industries and businesses are all forms of taxes that someone (i.e. the average taxpayer) has to pay?

It has been shown that the cheapest, most efficient and most cost beneficial way of changing behaviour and reducing emissions is through the use of carbon pricing. Read the reports from the EcoFiscal Commission.

The most socially just way to help wean people off fossil fuel use is through carbon fee and dividend, where the money collected goes back to every citizen. In other words, governments do not get to keep the money-thus government revenues are not increased. Average families will be better off under carbon fee and dividend.

Every other method of addressing climate change costs all of us more money.

Gord Cumming