Faith Baptist Church lands to share engineer with township

Councillors here have no issue sharing an engineering firm for a storm water management project – providing there is an understanding the municipality’s interests will come first.

Wellington North councillors recently reviewed a request about Mount Forest Faith Baptist Church lands at King Street and London Road. The request was to use the services of B.M. Ross for engineering requirements to prepare for the new church to be constructed.

The request was presented by Brian Padfield to Mayor Broomhead last week.

Church officials understand a stormwater management plan needs to be prepared to the satisfaction of the municipality prior to issuance of the building permit.

A formal application was made to council to use the services of B.M. Ross.

The church agreed to pay all accounts.

Broomhead said that ad­dresses the storm water management plans. He said that normally, the sharing of the engineering service is discouraged by the municipality.

However, in this instance, he said B.M. Ross designs storm water management ponds anyway, and employing another firm could be a duplication. He said in any agreement, the firm would act in the municipality’s interest first. If there are issues, the church would be obligated to hire a different firm.

Broomhead said he did not have an issue with sharing the engineer, because it would be work B.M. Ross would be in­volved in doing anyway.

Council agreed to the request.

