Drew board gets half of insurance funds requested

One might call it a 50% solution.

The Drew community centre board will be getting half of what it asked for to cover the cost of its liability insurance.

Minto’s parks and recreation advisory committee recommendation was that council donate $275 to the Drew community board for its in-kind work and service to the town of Minto in 2008.

The minutes of that recent committee meeting noted that Brian Darroch and Gerald Koeslag, of the Drew board, were present to discuss the liability policy purchased to in­sure volunteers who offer programming at the Drew hall.

They requested the town cover the cost of the policy, which for one year, is $540.

When asked if the board would consider becoming a committee of council, the re­sponse was that members did not want to lose their independence, and that based on the service provided to the Drew community, the group should not have to pay for the insurance.

The concern was raised that such a payment could set a precedent for other groups and service clubs who carry liability insurance.

At Minto council, Darroch said the group provides a good service to the local community and that it did not see a purpose in existing if it was simply a committee of council.

Deputy-mayor Judy Dirk­sen said that committee’s recommendation was to give a donation equal to roughly half of the insurance cost.

Council’s decision was to provide the money as a donation to the board for its service to the community – not as covering the insurance costs.

Darroch wanted to know if the board would have to come back each year on the same issue.

Mayor David Anderson said the town is currently in the midst of reviewing its donation policy.

