Drayton remembers – The Drayton Legion held its Remembrance Day ceremony at the cenotaph on Nov. 11, limited this year to only Legion members and government representatives. However, there were a few physically-distanced spectators in attendance, watching from their vehicle or from across the street. Drayton Legion president Jenn Claussen, left, accompanied politicians including Mapleton Mayor Gregg Davidson as they placed a wreaths during the ceremony.

Drayton remembers – The Drayton Legion held its Remembrance Day ceremony at the cenotaph on Nov. 11, limited this year to only Legion members and government representatives. However, there were a few physically-distanced spectators in attendance, watching from their vehicle or from across the street. Drayton Legion president Jenn Claussen, left, accompanied politicians including Mapleton Mayor Gregg Davidson as they placed a wreaths during the ceremony.
Photos by Jennifer Goertzen

Wellington County councillor Earl Campbell, right, places a wreath on behalf of the county accompanied by Claussen.

MPP John Nater, right, places a wreath on behalf of the Government of Canada accompanied by Drayton Legion president Jenn Claussen.

The flags of the colour guard flying in the wind as the honour roll was read aloud.

Stones with hand painted poppies adorned the landscape at the Drayton cenotaph.