Damascus Women’s Institute elects officers

Members of the Damascus W.I. gathered at the Damascus community centre on April 9, 2008 for the annual meeting. 

President Miriam Green welcomed everyone.

With spring emerging, thoughts and signs of garden­ing everywhere she opened with a reading on preparing potatoes for planting.  How the smell of a rotten potato lingers in the nostrils and is more potent than a farmer spreading manure.

Plans to attend the 80th anniversary of the Wellington North District Women’s Insti­tute May 21 were finalized.

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Damascus Wo­men’s Institute the members decided to take in a play at the St. Jacobs Country Playhouse early in July.

Damascus WI will sponsor the Grand Champion and the Reserve Grand Champion guilt and provide a special for the youth croup, category choco­late chip cookies at the Arthur Agricultural Society’s fall fair.

Roll call, "Pay your dues with a smile (joke or story)" was answered by 15 members. 

Are you a woman who would like to improve the quality of life for your family and friends?

Want he chance to do more for yourself and your community. Discover leader­ship skills, talents and share fun and fellowship?  Then be active, be involved, be a member.

Join the Women’s Institute.

Convenors of the standing committees and the treasurer submitted their annual reports.

Institute grace was sung and a bountiful pot luck lunch was enjoyed by the members.

Dianne Orr presided for the elections and installation ceremony.

 The nominating committee, Dianne Orr and Mary Slater, presented a full slate of officers: Past President, Pat Hooker; President, Miriam Green; Vice-President, Shirley Langdon; Secretary, Betsy Benham; Assistant-Secretary, Judy Truax; Treasurer, Pat Dyce; District Director, Pat Benham; alternate District Director, Mary Slater; and Public Relations Officer, Shirley Langdon.

Rose co-ordinator Marjorie Smith presided for the program planning for September to June 2009.

The next meeting of the Damascus Women’s Institute is May 14, at 7pm at the Damascus community centre with convenor Pat Benham.  This is the annual plant and white elephant paraphernalia auc­tion.  Bring a friend and a neighbour for an evening of fun and maybe a bargain or two.


