If could create my own scented car air freshener it would be called “the cottage.” It…
WriteOut of Her Mind
Welcome, Santa
Santa baby, a word of caution on Christmas Eve: a real family lives in this house, and thus, I make…
The Wizard of Oz is a classic tale about a cast of characters whose journey for answers teaches…
Mom shorts
I don’t like shopping. I like it even less when the purchases aren’t for me, yet I am…
I am surely not the only person excited to hear that this winter is expected to include a healthy…
Parenting 101
It was just another weeknight family dinner, all of us gathered around the dining table, eating our…
Heat wave
One great thing about hospitals: they’re air conditioned. So, when I spent a few hours in an…
Witching hour
It happens most nights around 3am. The witching hour. Random and uninvited, it is the moment my…
Post-podium panic
The Olympics are over. Now what? I cannot remember what we did before them and I haven’t a…
Oh, Canada, eh?
O Canada, my home and native land, as I prepare to celebrate your beauty by decorating my family in…
Lead by example
Before I begin, let me say I have a squeaky clean driving record. I have all my points incurring…
The Vegas Mojo
You should know by now I am a seeker of signs: purpose, life direction, meaning, location of my car…
Science Fair unfair
If there was one class I hated in public school, it was science class (and gym, math and grade 8…
Rink rat
When I tell people I am married to a Carpenter, I often hear how lucky I am to be with a spouse who…
Distant memories
I was 10 years old when my Nana Waterhouse passed away. I wore a yellow skirt with a white blouse…