A promise is a promise, even when circumstances change. I promised my boy a mother-son adventure,…
WriteOut of Her Mind
Deliver me
Nobody can ever accuse me of lacking professional enthusiasm. I love the Wellington Advertiser so…
Mushy example
My funny Valentine, sweet comic Valentine, partner in life, love and mortgage payments, how I adore…
Toads and princes
I am sure every young girl has heard the expression “you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find…
My little sister
September is Big Brother, Big Sister month across Canada. Seventeen years ago, this organization…
On thin ice
I have a conspiracy theory related to the freakishly warm winter weather we have been enjoying this…
Bent out of shape
There are two things I am absolutely certain of: karma will get me every time, and I cannot defy…
Time to pause
I used to be the kind of person who remembered birthdays and anniversaries; the special dates in…
Common scents
Face it: life stinks. It’s the season of soggy boots on the wet mat, wool mittens dripping…
Happy is a life skill
After years of watching kid movies and bad mock-umentaries about boy bands, I introduced my teenage…
Spitting dirt
It has long been a dream of mine to sit in a sulky driven by a qualified driver behind a really…
No bacon jokes
I couldn’t tell you about Halloween last week because, well, it hadn’t happened yet.…
A perfect day
It’s been a long winter, and there is more to come. When the cabin fever seeps in, I take…
Dag and The Kid
You might not know this, but I have an older brother. And when I say older, I’m talking much,…
Sweet sixteen
This Friday is our 16th wedding anniversary, and as I write this, the Carpenter and I have made no…