It’s bragging time again, and I’m kind of proud of it. The fact is, the article you are…
Bits and Pieces
Genuine concern
The biggest gift-giving time of any holiday season is fast approaching. Offshore suppliers have…
Often I’ve been asked for a copy of a long-ago article that was written about something or…
Resident rooster
I‘m quite sure that, in the four score years that I have been hanging around, I could count…
Winter is coming
I was sitting comfortably on my butt a couple of days ago, in a comfy lean-back chair, out back of…
One day closer
Even though Wiarton Willy, the white woolly ground hog weather predictor’s sleepy eyes, did…
Three strikes, out!
This winter’s white stuff came down in unlimited drifts, and this spring’s clouds of…
Well folks! We done gone went and done did it. Yes we did. I’ve wanted to do this ever since…
Frankly, my dear
The last four days of December were pleasant days for me. Each day was greeted by an early morning…
The osprey are back
It used to be the return of the robin that signified spring to me, but now it’s the return of…
This past week, we had a strong wind that brought with it heavy thundershowers. I like…
Living and learning
What I knew about llamas when I entered the barn, after a three-day holiday away from the farm, I…
Leap year
“Thirty days have September, April, June and November; all the rest have 31 except February…
Bonnie and Bell
Never before have I been so pleased with any animal than I have been with Bonnie and Bell, our two…
Recently I had a birthday. It was brought to my attention by a Happy-Birthday phone call from a…