GUELPH – Since the beginning of this year, Guelph Police have received 4,329 9-1-1 emergency…
Ontario Provincial Police offer 1,950 reasons for crashes
In a recent wrap up of the week May 16 to 24, here is what the OPP found in Western Region.…
Arsonist search in city
GUELPH – City police are investigating two more suspicious fires that took place overnight on…
Six workers sent to hospital after roof collapsed during construction
The Ministry of Labour is investigating a roof collapse here that injured six men last week.…
New helicopters
ORILLIA – At a ceremony at OPP General Headquarters in Orillia on May 27, Commissioner Chris…
OPPS first patrol boat comes home
ORILLIA – The OPP and the Friends of The OPP Museum unveiled the service’s first marine…
OPP to aid distressed kids with bear program
The OPP is launching a new program with Aviva Canada Inc. that will assist officers to comfort…
Auction, barbecue
Crime Stoppers of Guelph Wellington is hosting a barbecue fundraiser at the County of Wellington…
Guelph collision reporting centre open
The Guelph Police Service and Accident Support Services International Ltd. (ASSI), facilitators of…
OPP holding organizing meeting for COPs group
MOUNT FOREST – The County OPP is holding a public meeting at the New Growth Family Centre at…
Arsons spark search
GUELPH – City police and fire fighters respond to a fire on Grange on Aug. 19 at 11pm. Police…
Nine died on weekend
ORILLIA – The OPP says the July 1 long weekend was again one of the busiest on Ontario roads,…
OPP announces change to tows, impoundment
On July 1, the OPP will be acquiring the services of Ontario Impound Facility Operators to provide…
Special Olympic success
FERGUS – When county OPP officers set up the voluntary tolls at the Zehrs Food Markets on…
Road Safety Week
OTTAWA – National Road Safety Week kicks off the 2011 safe summer driving season and includes…